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Immediate Mode: Particle Engine and billboarding
By: Jack Hoxley
Written: sept 17th 2000
IM_Particle.Zip (25kb)

Particle systems are an extremely easy effect, and when used well add a great deal of realism to the scene. Some typical uses of partical systems include: Smoke, Vapour Trails, sparks, fireworks and flares and dirt trails behind vehicles. The only real problem is complexity - a real smoke trail would have 1000's if not millions of particles; whilst Direct3D can handle them up to 65,000 particles it is almost impossible to go above 1000 in a complete game that has music, AI, Sound and a graphical environment all happening at the same time.

Above is a partial screenshot showing the partical system that this tutorial demonstrates. Although this doesn't look very realistic it is only down to the artwork - not the program. Each particle is a single 32x32 greyscale circle - if a proper artist drew some convincing smoke particles the above screenshot would look a lot more realistic.

The code behind a particle effect is very simple in theory - you only need to write good code that works for one particle then multiply it to generate 10, 100, 1000 or n particles. I use a UDT (User-Defined-Type) to hold all the data for my particle - it looks like this:

    'Under certain conditions a particle will cease to exist,
    'At which point we create it again as a new particle from the origin
    'This technique means that we only ever need a finite number of particles

    Alive = 0
    Dead = 1
End Enum

Private Type Colour
'Just a simple colour wrapper...
    R As Single
    G As Single
    B As Single
End Type

Private Type PARTICLE
    X As Single     'World Space Coordinates
    Y As Single
    Z As Single
    vX As Single    'Speed and Direction
    vY As Single
    vZ As Single
    Color As Long   'Colour
    sColor As Colour    'Start
    grColor As Colour   'the stepvalue to generate a gradient effect
    eColor As Colour    'End colour
    LifeTime As Long  'How long Mr. Particle Exists
    Status As PARTICLE_STATUS 'Does he even exist?
End Type

Private pList() As PARTICLE 'An open-ended array means we can decide later on how big we want it

Now we have the data structure we'll add some control constants. Although these aren't really needed they simplify playing around with things later on. You change a value here and it will be reflected throughout the entire program...

Private Const Gravity As Single = 0.0025 'Explained Later
Private Const XWind As Single = 0 'Explained Later
Private Const ZWind As Single = -0.003 'Explained Later
Private Const nParticles As Integer = 500 'Number of particles - this number * 4 
                                          'is the total number of vertices used

Private Const YVariation As Single = 0.2 'We need some random factors involved
Private Const XVariation As Single = 0.025 '- otherwise it'll just be a line
Private Const ZVariation As Single = 0.025
Private Const LifeTime As Integer = 300 'frames, at 30fps = ((1000/30)*lifetime) seconds

Now you've seen some of the source code, I'll explain how a particle system works. First we need to understand how a single particle works, as a particle system is just lots of singular entities...

Position and Velocity
A particle is given an origin and a velocity - the origin will be where it starts from, and the velocity will be a 3D vector. The velocity needs to be random, different particles will go faster than others, and because of the way velocity factors work, a slightly different value will result in it going in a very different direction. When lots of particles are combined together and each one has a similiar but different velocity they will go in the same direction but will all end up a certain distance away from each other.

In the sample program it blends the colour between a start and end colour - this could be used to create a weird (but cool) effect, or it could be used to make them fade out over time (fade to black).

without gravity the particles would just keep on going - the velocity basically defines a straight line (of infinite length) away from the source. We use a gravity factor to adjust the velocity over time so it appears to come back to ground level. It should be fairly obvious that a particle goes up at a certain speed, starts to slow down, as it slows down it levels off, and eventually starts falling, as it falls it accelerates, and it hits the floor. This may seem extremely difficult - but it isn't, it's extremely simple. If we assume that the initial Y velocity is 1 (for example) and the gravity is 0.1 for every time that the particle is updated it will decrease by 0.1: 1.0 - 0.9 - 0.8 - 0.7 and so on; this simulates it slowing down as it gets higher up - after 10 cycles it will be going at 0 speed - the top of our arc. Then the velocity will go into negative numbers: -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and so on - this will cause the particle to drop down - and as the negative number gets bigger the faster it falls, which simulates the increase in speed as it drops.

Wind is the last factor to be considered - gravity only works on the Y-Axis (assuming +Y is up and -Y is down), Wind works on the X and Z axis'. I have already discussed how the gravity factor affects the velocity - the wind factor is identical, except it alters the X or Z axis. This method would actually result in the wind speeding up the particles - but that doesn't bother me a great deal - you may want to alter it so it changes the actual position rather than the velocity.

Okay, hopefully you now understand the basics of a particle system. The system demonstrated here is very simple in comparison to a real one; collision is completely ignored; in the real world a particle would hit another particle and change direction - and when it hit the floor it would probably burn out or bounce - but then again you have to be really picky to complain about that ;) Now we move onto the rendering code.

At the beginning I mentioned billboarding - this is a very simple effect in Direct3D that is the basis of many others. A billboard is traditionally a square primative (4 vertices) that has a 3D image applied to it in the form of a flat texture. For example; you have a picture of a tree which you load into a texture and display on a billboard; if this 2D billboard is rotated so it faces the camera it will look like there is a 3D tree in the scene. When viewed up close they fail to convince anyone - but from a distance they can be very effective, and a saver of much needed processing time (4 vertices for a billboard or 400 for a tree?). The only difficult aspect of billboarding is getting it to rotate so it exactly faces the camera. The sample code has a fixed camera so doesn't need to work out the angle (it's always 45 degrees), but should you need to work it out, this is how:

Out good friend Trigonometry. We will need to rotate the billboard around the Y axis using the angle q. We will need to make up some lengths for our triangle; this will depend on how your program is structured - but this method should be fine:

We'll assume that the adjacent side is on the X axis and the Opposite side is on the Z axis, but they work interchangeably.

Tanq = Opp/Adj

q = (vTo.z - vFrom.z) / (vTo.x - vFrom.x)

Although I haven't checked this code, it should work - correct me if I'm wrong [Email]. You should be able to apply the simple laws of trigonometry to work out the angle should the camera not be a single rotation....

Now we move onto the particle update code, which is extremely simple as well, and looks like this:

Private Sub RenderParticlesTextured()
    Static N As Long
For N = 0 To nParticles - 1
    If pList(N).Status = Alive Then 'we want to update it
                    '## UPDATE COLOUR ##

                    pList(N).sColor.R = pList(N).sColor.R + pList(N).grColor.R
                    pList(N).sColor.G = pList(N).sColor.G + pList(N).grColor.G
                    pList(N).sColor.B = pList(N).sColor.B + pList(N).grColor.B
                    pList(N).Color = dx.CreateColorRGB(pList(N).sColor.R, pList(N).sColor.G, pList(N).sColor.B)
                    '## Update Position ##

                    pList(N).X = pList(N).X + pList(N).vX 'Update the actual
                    pList(N).Y = pList(N).Y + pList(N).vY 'position first
                    pList(N).Z = pList(N).Z + pList(N).vZ
                    pList(N).vY = pList(N).vY - Gravity 'then alter the vector
                    pList(N).vX = pList(N).vX + XWind 'this wont take effect until
                    pList(N).vZ = pList(N).vZ + ZWind 'the next frame
                    '## Check/Update Lifetime ##

                    pList(N).LifeTime = pList(N).LifeTime - 1
                    If pList(N).LifeTime <= 1 Then pList(N).Status = Dead
                    '## Boundary Checking ##

                    If pList(N).Y <= 0 Then pList(N).Status = Dead 'we'll take 0 as being ground level
    Else 'if it's dead we want to create a new on
                    '## Create a New particle at the origin ##

                    pList(N).Status = Alive
                    pList(N).Color = dx.CreateColorRGB(1, 1, 1)   'Start off red
                    pList(N).sColor.R = 1
                    pList(N).sColor.G = 1
                    pList(N).sColor.B = 1
                    pList(N).eColor.R = 0
                    pList(N).eColor.G = 0
                    pList(N).eColor.B = 1
                    pList(N).X = 0
                    pList(N).Y = 0
                    pList(N).Z = 0
                    pList(N).vX = (Rnd * XVariation) - (XVariation / 2)
                    pList(N).vY = (Rnd * YVariation)
                    pList(N).vZ = (Rnd * ZVariation) - (ZVariation / 2)
                    pList(N).LifeTime = Int(Rnd * (LifeTime - 2)) + 2
                    pList(N).grColor.R = (pList(N).eColor.R - pList(N).sColor.R) / pList(N).LifeTime
                    pList(N).grColor.G = (pList(N).eColor.G - pList(N).sColor.G) / pList(N).LifeTime
                    pList(N).grColor.B = (pList(N).eColor.B - pList(N).sColor.B) / pList(N).LifeTime
    End If
                    '## Copy Data to Vertex ##
                    'Source Vertex -Not rendered

                    Call dx.CreateD3DLVertex(pList(N).X, pList(N).Y, pList(N).Z, pList(N).Color, 1, 0, 0, vertexList(N))
                    'We need 4 vertices to define a square around our particle, matrix maths sorts out the
                    'billboarding required.
                    'is the order they must be created
                    'alter the +-0.1 to change the particle size

                    Call dx.CreateD3DLVertex((pList(N).X + 0.1), (pList(N).Y + 0.1), (pList(N).Z - 0.1), pList(N).Color, _
   1, 0, 0, VertexListTex(N).Vertices(0))
                    Call dx.CreateD3DLVertex((pList(N).X - 0.1), (pList(N).Y + 0.1), (pList(N).Z - 0.1), pList(N).Color, _
   1, 0, 1, VertexListTex(N).Vertices(1))
                    Call dx.CreateD3DLVertex((pList(N).X + 0.1), (pList(N).Y - 0.1), (pList(N).Z + 0.1), pList(N).Color, _
   1, 1, 0, VertexListTex(N).Vertices(2))
                    Call dx.CreateD3DLVertex((pList(N).X - 0.1), (pList(N).Y - 0.1), (pList(N).Z + 0.1), pList(N).Color, _
   1, 1, 1, VertexListTex(N).Vertices(3))
Next N
End Sub

When this function is called we [should] see a particle stream appear. Download the source code from the top of this page or from the downloads page to see it in action...

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